Areas of Practice
Scenario planning
Market analysis
Brand development
Competitive analysis
Alliance & synergies assessment
Capability assessment
Information strategy
Business model design
Aligning strategy to investments, management systems & operational planning
Transaction modelling & deal support
Customers and markets drive business success. Going beyond the obvious to seek new insights, emerging needs, and blue ocean opportunities can create substantial opportunities. Meeting needs with a sustainable business model that leverages assets and working capital provides a successful enterprise for its stakeholders. People underpin the whole. These areas of investigation, guided by standard and proprietary frameworks make for rapid engagement.
Overhead effectiveness
Sales effectiveness
Rapid operations diagnostic
Rapid cost and capital reduction
Digital transformation
Culture diagnostic and management
Strategic sourcing
Supply chain optimisation
Working capital optimisation
Operating model design
Leverage of current assets and market positions plus transformative thinking and investment enables business strategy at pace. Drawing from client team insights and best practices, enterprise change plans come to life with prioritised interventions and agreed cadence. Starting with human resources as a critical asset, diagnostics include information systems and analytics, other soft assets like culture, IP, brands and channels, physical assets and their value contribution, and working capital assets.
Implementation and Project Management
Program management office
Change management
Culture diagnostic
Post merger integration
Change management respects the strategic case, agreed operating model and budget, but with a focus on the organisation buy-in and renewal needs to achieve objectives sustainably and on time. Involving people in the change to their enterprise and the purpose of their working life leads to exceptional results.
Commercial Due Diligence
Market assessment
Revenue quality assessment
Competitive analysis
Cost and capital assessment
Capability assessment
Business model development
Transaction modelling
Total available market - volume, share, net pricing, given the business and competitive environment helps determine the possible top line. A business model for sustainable competitive position, including building capability while competitors react underpins the view of sustainability of the business.
Management Operating Systems
Value driver trees
KPI development
MOS process diagnostic
MOS process design & implementation
Change management
MOS well designed and executed empowers all levels of the enterprise to make a positive impact. Rapid diagnostic and team-based implementation techniques create near-term and lasting results.
Executive Coaching
Nature of leadership
Decisions and actions
Role of emotions and reason
Self improvement
Operating in a leadership group